Practicing PMU artist, PMU contests judge, coach
МС "Skill"
My online “Skill” master class differs from those of the majority classes in that I do not intend to sell just a beautiful snapshot.

I show real results of my everyday work on real clients. And I share my expertise that has been proved successful in practice.
Bright healed eyebrow result is what clients need
Not everyone wants transparent veil-like look. Quite often I have to retouch other masters’ work when people come from various studios asking me for a brighter effect.
Many clients are dissatisfied that
What do they want?
They wish to have a more durable result.
How do we get such result?
My signature technique allows permanent makeup to last for 2-3 years, without turning into unwanted shades.
The online "Skill" -

master class is your unique opportunity to become a PMU artist whose name the clients spread among all their friends
Covering up a previous PMU
The up-to-date techniques currently available on the PMU market mainly offer translucent ombre effect, which cannot cope with the problem of disguising complicated source surfaces

(i.e., scarred skin, skin having off-colour leftover tint after a previous PMU).
My technique methods will enable you to achieve good and bright healed results after a single procedure, even on such source material.

Especially when performing cover-ups, which are required quite a lot nowadays.
of cover-ups
My cover-up work pictures are being saved and reposted
This proves the unique nature, relevance and popularity of my technique. The posts displaying my works are smashing all records in terms of coverage statistics. You too can dash into the top positions in number of views and saves.
all over the globe
See the proof of my words below.

The evidence of my words is presented below

Theory Unit
I will tell you the things you won't find on Instagram. About what clients really want and what the majority of coaches/tutors are missing out. How your work should be arranged to make sure the clients come again and recommend you.
Equipment. Voltage. Needles
Options for effective “inking” equipment available in different price segments. Do you need a super expensive machine for well-implanted pigment? Long needle stroke vs. short needle stroke. Would any of the MAST pens be suitable? What voltage should be set to implant ink and not just wiggle your hand? Needle shapes, pointing types - which ones are best for good and bright implanted pigment.
Mapping with a Thread. Fast & Easy. Even for Asymmetrical Brows. I'll Show you the Options
My photos with mappings reach the top positions; people save, repost, and even steal them. The reason being in the outline aesthetics, in the cool look of a flawlessly drawn eyebrow shape attracting attention of colleagues and clients. I decided to show a few hacks of my mapping process; maybe you will find something for yourself and use it later on.
Selecting Colours for Virgin Eyebrows
The most popular pigment blends for various face types. Principles for choosing colour shades to create the required tints for long-lasting outcome without fading to grey. Blends for brunettes, who always wish a brighter look. A special approach for those with black eyebrow hairs. My top-rated shades that received the most of “I want them the same as in your photo” responses.
Only for the “Profi” Rate Plan
Analysing the most popular cases of covering up previous PMU. Principles of choosing colour shades for cover-ups. What exactly can be covered? Step-by-step procedures: my own unique approach
A Stroke. Demo on Latex
A detailed layout of pigment application for proper penetration to ensure a well-healed outcome. A simple and clear sketch for stroking. Detailed analysis of a stroke. Movement, swing range, stroke step.
No troublesome, yet unhealed, powdered results. I offer the efficient methods only. An immediate nice look is not my work style.
Selecting Colours for Cover-Ups. Analysing My Best Cases.
Demo on a Model
Detailed demo with my comments for each work phase. High-quality macro photography in addition to general views. I decided to show the general arrangement, since many artists ask for the best sitting position in relation to the client. I'll show you how I work. By the way, master’s hands position is of utmost importance. Many artists have problems with tint penetration precisely due to their incorrect hand position. I'll tell you about this as well.
Only for the “Profi” Rate Plan
Detailed work on a client having indications for cover-up of a previous PMU. Commenting every work phase. Selecting an appropriate pigment blend.
Demo of Cover-Up
No empty talk, no podcasts on unhealed shading methods and 4 seasons of “beat-about-the-bush” classes.
Everything is straight to the point, enabling you to apply it immediately, and get results.
You get a lifetime expert customer support in a private chat from me personally. I will answer all your questions and help you join the top notch of the practicing PMU artists in your city.
What is your guarantee
that this really works?
100% of real client work, without using models and special promotional demo shooting
Reports in 1-2 years of PMU, without any faults or cover-ups
Cover-up cases getting into top numbers of worldwide publications found thru’ hashtags
The greatest number of healed outcomes
of all this you can visit my account’s feed in this social network (banned in Russia)


of my works
My master class is meant for you
reason 1
~ You are tired of hearing the phrase “not bright enough” from your clients
reason 2
~ You do not see properly healed results on your cover-ups
reason 3
~ You are tired of a long work process only to finally get a transparent result
reason 4
~ You wish to learn how to make a rich PMU on clients with black hairs, while working safely, without fading to grey and negative consequences
reason 5
~ You only learned the basics and thus lack the knowledge for a confident and effective work
reason 6
~ You want to meet “I want it brighter” requirements and not be scared of such clients. After all, a high-quality PMU is not a barely noticeable shadow. It’s a pigment penetration visible to clients, so they do not need to touch up their eyebrows
reason 7
~ You only want to add to your knowledge base the successful cases and effective techniques allowing to create high-quality eyebrows
reason 8
~ You are tired of the dull and pale outcomes, and dissatisfied clients
reason 9
~ You want an effective “buzz marketing” of a master who is being recommended by happy clients
of the Classes:
"start" Rate Plan
01/ "Skill" Master Class
(no cover-ups)
02/ Access for 2 months
(for lifetime)
03/ Member support chat
Demo of cover-up
Selecting colours for cover-ups. Analysing my best cases.
Cost of participation:
RUB 24 900
A perfect option with a 25% discount
"Profi" Rate Plan
01/ "Skill" Master Class
(with cover-ups)
02/ Access for 3 months
(for lifetime)
03/ Member support chat
+Demo of cover-up
+Selecting colours for cover-ups. Analysing my best cases.
Cost of participation:
RUB 29 900₽
25% discount //// 25% discount ///// 25% discount ////
RUB 40 000₽
25% discount //// 25% discount ////
Create the eyebrows that
will make your client happy
There are various ways to develop oneself in the PMU field.
Some artists dream of a steady flow of clients and good earnings.
The others have ambitions to become a coach and conduct profitable master classes, making money by training others. I’m in favour of synergy - a combination of working with clients and teaching. I prefer this approach.
But regardless of the way, your growth will be based upon the healed work quality and customer satisfaction with these results. The good results after healing serve as the indicator of your income and growth in the PMU field.
We can talk for lengths about beautiful content; however, it is useless if your clients are dissatisfied with the outcome.

My master class is not about trends in permanent makeup industry, but about the requirements of clients. I teach how to create eyebrows that make your client happy.
See you at my efficient hands-on PMU course!
Practicing PMU artist, PMU contests judge, coach
© 2024
ИП Родионов Борис Алексеевич
ИНН: 631184758600
ОГРНИП: 320631300104918
Tel.: +7 999 170-59-53
Address: 12, Bldg.119, Krasnoarmeyskaya Street, Samara, Russia
All Rights Reserved